George Washington
George Washington is the first US President. He is also known as the Father of Nation.The first US Vice President and 2nd President was John Adams.John Adams was the first US President to reside in White House.
The official airplane of the US President is known as Airforce 1.
George Washington is the only US President who won getting 100% electoral votes.
Franklin D Roosevelt was the US President to serve for the longest time. He was the only person to be in the chair for more than two times as well.
The youngest person to be the US President was Theodore Roosevelt. He was 42 when he took charge in 1901.
Ronald Reagen was the oldest to be the US President. He was 69 when he was elected in 1981.
Abraham Lincoln is the US President who abolished slavery.
Four US Presidents have been assassinted in office. Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William Mckinely and John F Kennedy are them.
Abraham Lincoln was the first US President from Republican Party.
George Bush and George W Bush are the only father and son to have been US Presidents.
A presidential term is 4 years.
The official room of US President in the White House is called Oval Office.
The world famous toy Teddy Bear got its name from Theodore Roosevelt.
Harry S Truman was the US President who ordered the Atom bomb attack at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Four US Presidents have won the coveted Nobel Peace Prize. They are Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter and Barak Obama.
The summer residence of the President is known as Camp David.
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